100% renewable, 100% efficient. We have been marketing electricity for more than 15 years and, since 2011, it has come from renewable sources. In addition to the supplying it for our own facilities –chemical plants, asphalt plants, service stations (including IONITY's electric vehicle chargers), etc.–, we supply electricity to industrial customers and companies.
We have three decades of experience in electricity and steam generation through the use of cogeneration and combined cycle plants at our industrial centers, as well as a wind farm. The energy we produce is sold on the wholesale market, as is the energy produced by the third-party plants that we represent and which operate all kinds of renewable, cogeneration and waste facilities, in addition to conventional plants.
Discover the electricity services we offer.
At our Electricity Hub we receive information on energy in real time and we adjust production to meet the needs of system operator (REE). This office operates 24 hours a day and we operate across all markets through buy/sell offers to adjust demand to the second.
We have access to the regulated CO2 emissions market and have our own portfolios of European Emissions Allowances (EUA). We are also active in the voluntary carbon space, e.g. Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) and REDD+ certificates. This allows us to meet both the spot and long-term needs of our customers and offer them high quality products.
We have seven cogeneration and combinated cyclo-generation electricity plants at our main refineries and industrial plants, plus a wind farm in Jerez de la Frontera. This technology has allowed us to increase energy efficiency and reduce our CO2 emissions by thousands of tons.
We are committed to providing the most up-to-date and precise information on our installations and energy consumption, as established in the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT). We are also certified by Spain’s financial and markets regulator the CNMC as a provider of renewable energy.
Our business allows us to provide you with energy solutions adapted to meet your needs, which make your life easier, and help us to build a better society. Oilfields, refineries, chemicals plants, and service stations, distributed across the world to offer the best to customers.