- The educational initiative “Energy Campus” exceeds 3,800 students
- Moeve's annual visit program is part of its commitment to transparency and responsibility towards the local area
The company states that through these initiatives, framed within its open-door policy as an exercise in transparency and responsibility, it brings society closer to the energy sector, the ecological transition, and its 2030 Positive Motion strategy, including actions for the prevention, preservation, and conservation of biodiversity. Moeve is becoming a benchmark in the energy transition, leading sustainable mobility in Spain and Portugal, as well as the production of green hydrogen and second-generation advanced biofuels to drive both its own decarbonization and that of its customers.
The Energy Campus program stands out, through which 1,816 students visited the San Roque Energy Park and other businesses in the Campo de Gibraltar, while the number reached 2,043 students at the industrial facilities in Huelva, where they had the opportunity to learn how energy is produced and applied in daily life, as well as its future, along with best practices in efficiency, environmental care, and safety. A total of 3,859 secondary school, high school, and vocational training students are now better informed about the sector and the importance of Moeve as an energy player at the international level from Andalusia.
The company also highlights the celebration of World Wetlands Day, an event during which, in February, 531 elementary school students from Campo de Gibraltar visited the Madrevieja Environmental Station, and 539 from Huelva visited Laguna Primera de Palos, actively participating in various environmental education workshops. It is worth mentioning that, coinciding with this event, the inauguration of the IoT sensor system for the early detection of forest fires took place at Laguna Primera de Palos, with the presence of the then Minister of Education of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Patricia del Pozo. Since 2024, this ecosystem has been equipped with innovative technology, promoted with the support of Vodafone, to protect the region's natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, and gather data and analyses for the preservation of natural spaces.
The general visits are aimed at associations, institutions, university students, and citizens who wish to learn more about how an energy park operates, its processes, products, and their applications in daily life, as well as Moeve's energy transition project and its involvement in safety, the environment, and social responsibility towards its surroundings. In addition to the tour of the industrial facility, visitors are offered a tour of the archaeological site of Carteia or the Madrevieja Environmental Station, both located in San Roque. In the case of Huelva, visitors tour the Laguna Primera de Palos.