An innovative model, a Cepsa model
Our purchasing model is centralized under our Purchasing and Contracting Unit which is organized according to specialities. We acquire our products and services thanks to our categorized management system.
We have a centralized model which is managed by our category managers, who are responsible for purchases across the different businesses. To manage these acquisitions we maintain a close relationship with the upstream and downstream businesses, as well as broadening our knowledge in each category. They are grouped in the following Purchasing Specialities.
- Commercial and cross area services
- Engineering
- Exploration and Production
- Insurance
- Logistics and Technology
- Manufacturing
Our purchasing managers are specialists in each of these areas and have great knowledge of their markets. That’s how we manage to improve our contracting strategy, be more efficient, and provide better value to our providers.
Our resource ecosystem is formed by our contracting staff, our internal customers and our providers. Within this ecosystem our providers are the main focus, although we strive to meet the needs of all of them. We do this by focusing on three axes.
- Professionalism of our contracting team. We optimize the development of their skills, we invest in keeping the best talent, and we focus their work on areas that add value to their careers.
- Strengthening relationships with our providers. We manage a network of relationships that we aim to improve constantly and promote communication with our providers.
- Communications and visibility with the business areas. We have a decision making process that is fully aligned with the Company’s objectives.
- We use global systems that cover the entire purchasing cycle. We standardize and simplify processes to guarantee improved automatization, efficiency and traceability, in turn helping to guarantee transparency.