Water is essential for all living things and for ecosystem conservation. For this reason, at Cepsa we encourage responsible water consumption.
An essential resource
An essential resource for people and ecosystem conservation, water must be used sustainably, and access to and availability of fresh water is a fundamental human right.
This availability, in terms of both quantity and quality, has an important component as a mitigation strategy for dealing with climate change.
What are we doing at Cepsa?
Environmental management system
Our water management is integrated into our environmental management system. To this end, we identify and evaluate the impacts derived from our operations, taking into account the entire life cycle of our facilities. These aspects impact our decision-making processes for new projects, acquisitions, or due diligence.
We reduce our consumption
We control and monitor the volume of water we use, as well as our wastewater, through indicators defined at the corporate level, and through solutions based on our knowledge and technical expertise, relying on circular economy models. We adapt our installations and industrial centers to guarantee we have recycling and reuse processes that allow us to reduce our freshwater withdrawal.
Water risks
We go one step further and annually use WWF's Water Risk Filter tool to assess the water risks associated with each of our facilities. In addition, we also identify and quantify climate risks, which include water risks, following the TCFD methodology, which considers different climate scenarios for the short, medium and long term.
The identification, evaluation and quantification of risks and opportunities allow us to establish actions to be increasingly efficient in the use of this finite natural resource.
Carbon disclosure project (CDP)
Recognized as one of the most comprehensive international ESG ratings, thanks to our progress on environmental issues, we have maintained our leadership status for the third consecutive year with an A- rating in water security. This places us as the company with the highest score in the sector.
We have a strategy to prevent pollution and accidental spills
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Our efficient water management
At Cepsa we deal with many types of water and a double objective: to be more efficient in its consumption and to reduce our water footprint.Reused Water
Volume of water that is reused without treatment.