Our customers satisfaction with our ser- vices and products is fundamental to our business strategy. All of us at Cepsa are committed to excellence and to meeting our customers needs. We strive every day
to achieve the highest standards of compli- ance with regulations and the best interna- tional practices to enhance the value of our products and services.
LEADERSHIP IN THE SECTOR We are the world s leading producer of linear alkylbenzene (LAb), a raw material for manufacturing biodegradable detergents, at our plants in Canada, brazil and Spain.
The only LAb producer in the world to attain an EPD Environmental Product Declaration.*
We are a leading producer of Cumene.
World s second largest producers of phenol and acetone, a highlight being our plants in China and Spain.
At Cepsa we believe communication with our customers is a mainstay of our busi- ness. We work constantly to elicit cus-
tomers opinions and meet their expecta- tions by means of several channels:
In addition to these communication chan- nels, we have other customer-oriented activities in progress so as to continue to
enhance our relationship and offer innova- tive services to an excellent standard.
Conventional channels: Telephone, fax, post, e-mail, Whatsapp and social media.
Customer service at points of sale: Cepsa employees who work at points of sale are trained specifi cally for face-to-face dealings with customers.
ImAS system: Customers can rate the standard of service quality they receive at any of our Service Stations.
* Source: DNv, verifi cation company of this certifi cation.
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017