Cepsa has an Integrated Environmental management System (EmS) underpinned by our Health, Safety Environment and Quality Policy, (HSEQ), which is manda- tory for all our areas of activity and pro- cesses. Thanks to the EmS, we contribute to sustainable development in a coher- ent, integrated and aligned manner at all levels of the company, protecting the environment and responding to changing environmental conditions, in balance with socio-economic needs.
Having an EmS allows us to manage significant environmental aspects, meet legal requirements and other applicable requirements, and address risks and op- portunities. Our commitment is to im- prove environmental performance day by day by preventing or mitigating the ad- verse environmental impacts of our activ- ities, products and services, both globally and in our plants surroundings, through the implementation of respectful envi- ronmental alternatives and through the
communication of information to relevant stakeholders in a transparent manner. To this end, we establish environmental ob- jectives in accordance with the policy and implement processes to achieve the ex- pected results.
One of the improvements that we have included this year has been the adapta- tion of the EmS to the latest version of the ISO 14001: 2015 standard, for which we have standardised the identification and evaluation of environmental aspects throughout the company with the key in- volvement of the production plants and business units.
The monitoring and measurement of processes with respect to environmen- tal policy, including commitments, en- vironmental objectives and operational criteria, enables us to identify and take appropriate action for continuous im- provement.