In addition to the emissions derived from internal energy consumption, we calcu- late the external energy consumption through the emissions of scope 3. These emissions are converted to the equivalent
consumption unit of natural gas using the National Emissions Inventory factor. The categories that are certified this year un- der the scope of ISO 14064 are as follows:
We carry out actions that increase the ef- ficiency of our activities in chemical plants and refineries. That is why, in 2017, differ- ent projects have been carried out leading to energy savings of 368,619 gJ.2
These improvements have been mainly due to the implementation of construc-
tive or technical measures at the plants, as well as installation of new machinery at the plants enabling increases in power and efficiency of operations, as well as significant energy savings.
Category 2017 2016
Acquisition of goods and services 83,233 77,477
Activities relating to fuel and energy 8,359 7,125
Waste generated 55 96
business travel 117 -
Employee commuting 74 -
Assets leased upstream (Cepsa Tower building) 8.2 -
Transport and distribution of raw materials 13,923 13,565
Use of sold products 912,483 942,337
Franchises 601 569
Investments 1 782 810
Direct energy efficiency 2017 2016 2015
Refining (gJ/t processed) 2.15 2.17 2.21
Chemicals 3 (gJ/ t produced) 2.86 2.82 4.18
E&P (gJ/t oil and gas produced) 1.01 1.07 1.10
gas & Power (gJ/kWe) 14.09 11.86 12.10
1 Those domestic or foreign companies over which we do not have 100% financial nor operational control are included.
2 Reductions are reported based on direct measurement of fuels, fuel oil, natural gas and electricity at the plants of La Rábida Refinery, Tenerife Refinery and Cepsa Química Puente mayorga.
3 The calculation excludes data on energy use and production at the Sinarmas plant because it is not under our operational control.
EXTERNAL ENERgy CONSUmPTION by CATEgORy. (Thousands of gJ of natural gas)
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017