The Compliance operating Committee is the body responsible for overseeing our Corporate Responsibility policy, for checking any possible amendments that may be needed, and for proposing its ap- proval to the Auditing Committee and Compliance and ethics. It is also respon- sible for supervising the action plans and monitoring progress.
The Communication department is re- sponsible for developing our Corporate Responsibility policy and for coordinating the actions arising from it across the dif- ferent businesses and locations.
In 2017, we developed a sustainable growth strategy via the approval of a new Corporate Responsibility Master Plan for 2017-2019. All the businesses and trans- versal units making up Cepsa took part in the internal and external analysis of the needs and expectations of our stakehold- ers and identified relevant issues that need to be addressed through scheduled actions.
The Master Plan is divided into 10 main pillars, cutting across all businesses and areas and stablishing our sustainability objectives and actions.
It is currently made up of 21 lines of work and more than 85 actions; it is scheduled to be updated periodically to integrate new actions which address new scenar- ios or needs.
every quarter, we conduct a follow-up of the Plan, which is reported to the Man- agement Committee, which assesses it compliance with the Master Plan and proposes necessary amendments re- quired to reach the objectives set. Twice a year the Compliance operating Commit- tee is informed of the progress made.
The monitoring performed in 2017 high- lighted that more than 90% of the goals established for that period had been met globally.
The Corporate Responsibility Master Plan is also aligned with the united Nations Sustainable development objectives, helping to achieve them thanks in part to the endeavours of Cepsa as a company.
CHAPTER 4 efficient and responsible management