distribution & marKetinG
This unit is responsible for the sale and delivery of our products to end consumers.
Through our petroleum products we are present across the world; we sell butane, propane, motor fuels, marine and aviation fuels, lubricants and asphalts, among many others.
We have our own sales channels and an extensive network of subsidiaries, agents and distributors. We are positioned in the market as a company of high quality products and services.
Gas & eleCtriCity
We transport natural gas internationally via the MEDGAZ pipeline, and supply to wholesale and retail markets. We provide electricity to industrial customers and consumers in the service sector.
At our main industrial centres, we have electricity and steam co-generation plants, and following the acquisition of the Alijar II Wind farm in Jerez in 2017, we have entered renewable energies.
tradinG & bunKer
Our Trading unit supplies crude and other products to our refineries. It also sells the crude produced at our oilfields and the product surplus.
The Bunker unit supplies fuel to ships. We are leaders in Spain* and we have operations at strategic supply points: The Strait of Gibraltar, the Panama Canal, and the Port of fujairah. We carry out this work via pipeline, tankers or by means of tenders, in accordance with very strict safety and quality standards.
* Source: Puertos del Estado