vOLUmE OF DISCHARgED WATER (Thousands of m3)
In the Exploration and Production busi- ness area, the difference between the dis- charge data and the data reported in 2016 stems from the change of definitions and criteria used in water management, es- tablished according to our specific man- agement procedure for this area. Another of the great variations of data in this same area is due to the fact that the informa-
tion related to the water discharged at the Ourhoud asset was not published last year, with the data corresponding to 2016 and 2017 having been included in this data set. As for the captured water, a large in- crease in the water discharged at the as- set in Colombia comes as a result of the increase in its activities in 2017.
main control parameters in discharges (tonnes) 2017 2016
Total organic carbon 194.66 106.16
Suspended solids 152.18 159.00
Oil and grease 28.69 29.54
Total organic carbon 41.05 23.16
Suspended solids 102.92 57.62
Oil and grease 1.59 4.08
Refining Chemicals Exploration & Production Distribution & Sales
2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
Surface Water 7,829 8,218 1,020 831 439 622 15 31
groundwater - - - - 30,611 7,667 5 2
Treatment Plant - - 602 605 63 5 1,037 1,184
Wastewater to another company - - - - - - 41 -
Total 7,829 8,218 1,622 1,436 31,113 8,294 1,099 1,218
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017