1 Africa includes: Algeria and kenya. 2 Americas includes: brazil, Canada, Colombia, Panama and Peru. 3 Asia includes: China, malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and United Arab Emirates. 4 The Rest of Europe includes: belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and the United kingdom.
Employees at 31 December 2017
Under 30 years between 30 and 50 years Over 50 years
Female male Female male Female male Total 2017 Total 2016
Executive Committee - - - 3 - 13 16 16
manager - - 5 15 5 55 80 81
Head of Department - - 95 287 55 201 638 616
Senior Technicians 40 49 394 838 81 310 1,712 1,677
Intermediate Technicians 18 33 316 605 80 314 1,366 1,408
Specialist 222 286 1,619 2,237 442 907 5,713 5,683
Administrative staff 7 12 77 36 21 26 179 171
Assistant 5 7 16 76 10 19 133 171
Total 2017 292 387 2,522 4,097 694 1,845 9,837 -
Total 2016 308 344 2,562 4,198 609 1,802 - 9,823
Employees by region Permanent
contract Temporary
contract Total
Africa1 116 2 118
Americas2 541 5 546
Asia3 178 18 196
Spain 7,529 830 8,359
Rest of Europe4 570 48 618
Total 8,934 903 9,837
We have an excellent team of profession- als who share the company s mission, vision and values. This enables us to design, implement and successfully ex- ecute our business strategy, which is es- sential for achieving our business goals.
For Cepsa it is essential to continue as a diverse and inclusive company, through- out all the links of our value chain. To this end, in 2017 we implemented, and will continue to develop in the future, various
diversity and integration programmes, with two main ideas:
Creating an inclusive culture which in- spires and motivates employees in their work and engages them in the achieve- ment of the company s successes.
Equal and effective participation of all professionals by developing their poten- tial, regardless of gender, age, capacity or culture.
Our team, located in different countries and with different activities, has a diverse
and comprehensive profile in terms of po- sitions, skills, origin and culture.
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017