This year, we conducted 67 audits of sup- pliers in all geographies where we operate.
In the framework of the risk control sys- tem we also examined environmental and community issues to detect any high-risk impact that might affect the Company. No supplier was detected involving high or very high risk in connection with these matters.
When an assessment is completed, the supplier is notified and given access to the platform to view the assessment report. We communicate to the supplier the areas for improvement that it must deal with so as to continue to be a valid supplier for us, and we acknowledge any good practices.
We work towards reinforcing communica- tion with suppliers by responding to their queries about the Company and the pro- cesses in which they are involved, and by consulting them for their opinion about their relationship with Cepsa. We thus achieve fluid communications that sup- port a business relationship of trust on the basis of ongoing improvement of our com- bined performance.
In 2017, we sent satisfaction survey ques- tionnaires to suppliers across all Cepsa ar- eas with whom we had interacted over the year. The response rate was 63%, and the average score was 72.62.
We sought opinions on the following points:
One of the issues that changed the most with respect to 2016 was Administration, due to the improvements made in 2017 to our administrative management. This shows that we take survey results seri- ously and take appropriate action to im- prove perceptions.
Finally, at Site San Roque we held a Sup- plier Day for suppliers who regularly sup-
ply goods and services in the area. This clearly demonstrates our commitment to keep our suppliers suitably informed about the Company s strategy and cur- rent position, while encouraging com- munication and dialogue as the keys to work in tandem, with a global outlook and seeking value added for both parties.
buying process
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017