CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY At 31 December 2017 and 2016 Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A.U and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group) Thousands of euros
Share Capital Share Premium Retained Earnings
Translation Reserve
Cash Flow Hedge Reserve
Net Invesment Hedge Reserve
Non-Contro- lling interest
Balance at 01.01.2017 267,575 338,728 3,718,423 828,030 (10,376) (570,449) 111,021 4,682,952
Consolidated profit or loss for the year - - 742,600 - 16,032 758,632
Other comprehensive income for the year - (213,991) 5,643 141,139 (9,074) (76,283)
Total consolidated comprehensive income - - 742,600 (213,991) 5,643 141,139 6,958 682,349
Changes due to transactions with shareholders
Proposed gross dividend (Note 16 e) - - (141,815) - - - (6,598) (148,413)
Interim dividend for the finance year (Note 16 e) - - (189,978) - - - (1,197) (191,175)
Total shareholder transactions - - (331,793) - - - (7,795) (339,588)
Balance at 31.12.2017 267,575 338,728 4,129,230 614,039 (4,733) (429,310) 110,184 5,025,713
Share Capital Share Premium Retained Earnings
Translation Reserve
Cash Flow Hedge Reserve
Net Invesment Hedge Reserve
Non-Contro- lling interest
Balance at 01.01.2016 267,575 338,728 3,448,384 762,724 22,345 (533,398) 87,839 4,394,197
Consolidated profit or loss for the year - - 601,832 - 14,683 616,515
Other comprehensive income for the year - - - 65,306 (32,721) (37,050) 7,347 2,882
Total consolidated comprehensive income - - 601,832 65,306 (32,721) (37,050) 22,030 619,397
Changes due to transactions with shareholders
Proposed gross dividend (Note 16 e) - - (141,815) - - - (11,706) (153,521)
Interim dividend for the finance year (Note 16 e) - - (189,978) - - - - (189,978)
Other changes in equity
Sales / acquisition of non-controlling interest (Nota 16 f) - - - - - - 12,858 12,858
Total shareholder transactions - - (331,793) - - - 1,152 (330,641)
Balance at 31.12.2016 267,575 338,728 3,718,423 828,030 (10,376) (570,449) 111,021 4,682,952
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
(The accompanying Notes 1 to 34 are an integral part of these Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity).