This Annual Corporate Responsibility Report 2017 aims to deliver on our com- mitment of transparency, covering as- pects relating to the performance of our businesses, our corporate strategy and the management of the economic, envi- ronmental and social impacts generated by our activities, according to our stake- holders information needs that we have identified.
Since 2010, we have been adding infor-
mation on sustainability alongside our
financial and strategic reporting. We
have followed the recommendations of
recognised standards to do so, such as
the International Integrated Reporting
Framework (
In 2017, we have adapted our report to the requirements of the GRI standard as set out in the GRI Standards1 at a Core level,
including the requirements for additional information for the Oil&Gas Sector.
We have used this reference standard to determine the content that must be included in the report (participation of Stakeholders, sustainability context, materiality, exhaustiveness), as well as to ensure the quality of that information (accuracy, balance, clarity, comparability, reliability and timeliness).
We also follow the Principles of the Global Compact and include informa- tion regarding the actions we implement at Cepsa that contribute to attaining the Sustainable Development Objectives.
We are immersed in a process of con- tinuous improvement, working on a daily basis to adapt the information related to the most relevant aspects in order to re- spond to the demands of our Stakehold- ers. In this respect, this Annual Corporate Responsibility Report has been approved by the Management Committee.
The Annual Corporate Responsibility Re- port 2017 includes consolidated informa- tion from the whole Company regarding financial, environmental and social as- pects derived from the performance of the activities that we conduct throughout the oil, gas and energy value chain, and additional information that facilitates the understanding of the performance re- sults and its evolution.
Where the data present a different scope from that indicated above, the new scope is specified in the chapter itself or in the GRI table, which is available on our cor- porate website. Moreover, to improve comparability, the report includes quan- titative data from previous years that may have been recalculated, and this is expressly stated in the report.
Note: The Consolidated Financial Statements of Compañía Española de Petróle- os, S.A. (Sole Shareholder Company) and subsidiaries are filed at the Madrid Mercantile Register.
1 Available on the website.
CHAPTER 6 Appendices