Reused tonnage
Type of products and materials of reused packaging 2017 2016 2015
Lubricant Oils 31,186 34,090 35,642
Amount of recovered packaging of lubricant oils 438 492 550
Total 31,624 34,581 36,192
Amount of managed waste (tonnes) 2017 20161 20151
Hazardous Waste 41,025.60 36,451.81 48,765.98
Non-Hazardous Waste 21,615.57 15,023.95 17,468.09
meanwhile, we also monitor the recycled hydrocarbons originating from the man- agement of mARPOL waste at our refin- eries equipped for this. In 2017, 63,352 tonnes of this type of waste were re-
ceived and managed, with total recycled hydrocarbons in the amount of 2,949 tonnes, representing close to 5% of the managed amount.
Our management systems enable us to treat the waste we generate more effi- ciently by applying regulatory principles.
We thus reduce consumption and waste production while mitigating environmental impact.
Due to the increase in activity recorded at our plants and to new acquisitions, in 2017 we increased the volume of waste generated, reversing the previ- ous downward trend driven by the lower level of activity of the previous year, es- pecially in the Exploration and Produc- tion Unit. We are focusing our efforts on proper waste management, so that we
can mitigate the impact it may have on the environment in which we operate. The waste we generate is delivered to authorised waste managers for proper environmental treatment, with priority going to those who re-use this waste, either through recycling or as a source of energy use.
Waste management
1 Data for 2016 and 2015 have been recalculated, with drilling mud being reported separately and waste gener- ated in the Exploration and Production business unit being included.
We also control the destination and the management of the packaging of our products, working on this with authorised waste managers, in order to minimise the impact that may arise from the end of
life cycle of our products. below are the details of the packaging used for the do- mestic market that have been recovered through the Integrated management Sys- tem which we became part of in 2017:
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017