SoCIAL WeLLBeING Objective: define the social action strategy to be implemented in order to optimise the resources of the Cepsa Foundation and the impact of its programmes, as well as defining its ethics and conduct framework.
CoRPoRATe GoVeRNANCe Objective: Align Cepsa with Corporate Governance best practices and the management of Corporate Responsibility.
ReSPoNSIBLe SuPPLy ChAIN Objective: Promote Cepsa values and standards in the supply chain and minimise risks therein including ethical, governance, environmental and social risks.
eThICS ANd CoMPLIANCe Objective: equip Cepsa with a solid regulatory and ethical framework across the Company that is known and implemented by employees and third parties.
eNVIRoNMeNT Objective: unifying and integrating the Cepsa management criteria in order to have an overview of the environmental performance and risk and opportunities in terms of water resources and Climate Change.
SAFeTy Objective: ensure compliance with the duty to safeguard the safety of employees and the environment, in addition to protecting stakeholders, our assets and information processes and reputation.
TALeNT Objective: Promote management models which, in line with our corporate values and culture, enable us to recruit a diversity of people and teams that are committed and talented, in order to meet the strategic objectives of the Company.
INNoVATIoN Objective: Promote environments and working spaces that foster the creation of innovative ideas and techniques for process efficiency throughout the entire value chain.
TRANSPAReNCy Objective: Incorporate best practices in transparency with regard to Cepsa s reporting processes and set up appropriate communication channels with stakeholders.
SuSTAINABLe GRoWTh Objective: equip Cepsa with the necessary tools to ensure sustainable growth underpinned by three pillars: risk management, brand value and customer focus.