At Cepsa we work to ensure that the en- tire human team of the business units re- ceives training in Human Rights, and that this is progressively extended to external workers, with the insertion in Security personnel contracts of a clause requiring respect for Human Rights.
Our commitment to ensure the training of our professionals in this area has led us to train 100% of our Security employees in Spain and Colombia in Human Rights is- sues. In addition, this year we have man- aged to train 100% of employees in the auxiliary companies of Peru and Algeria.
Regarding the events that occurred at our plants related to spills of substances, in 2017 there were 4 incidents that, ac- cording to their materiality, we consider significant: two incidents at the gibraltar San Roque refinery with spilt volume of crude of 2,935 m3 and 24 m3 respectively, a spill of phenol at the Palos de la Fron- tera chemical plant and a spill of maleic
acid mixed with water at the gibraltar San Roque Refinery of 2,7m3. Thanks to our prompt action and our preparation for this type of event, none of them has had an impact on the environment outside the facilities in which they occurred. We have verified all the quality parameters of the surroundings and obtained satisfactory results on all counts.
We work to ensure that the entire human team of the business units receives training in Human Rights.