We strive to sustain responsible and transparent relations to create value in our host communities, as one of the cornerstones of the planning and imple- mentation of our activities. Our Commu- nity Relations policy enables us to design
mechanisms for integration with local communities, with an approach tailored to each specific environment. This means we can achieve economic, social and en- vironmental development as a partner- ship and confer mutual benefits.
We are aware of the importance of cre- ating and sustaining value in our envi- ronment. This is why we integrate the information and key points identified by our Integrated Risk management Sys- tem with our decision-making process. This approach enables us to manage these issues at the highest level, going beyond minimum regulatory compliance in each geography and analysing the im- pact and opportunities arising from our projects and operations, so that we can design and implement action plans that prevent or mitigate adverse impacts and maximise positive effects.
Specifically, wherever community per- ceptions are relevant to our operations, such as in our Exploration and Produc- tion business, all our assets are equipped with community and environmental im- pact measurement systems so that we can design and implement specific ac- tion plans tailored to each case.
In 2017, we started to create community risk maps under a new approach in line with our Local Community Relations Policy, within the framework of the Inte-
grated Risk management System. Spe- cifically, we carried out a pilot project for our Exploration and Production asset in Caracara, Colombia. The outcomes will help us get it right when allocating re- sources and prioritising actions based on risk level. In 2018, as envisaged in the Corporate Responsibility master Plan, we want to extend this type of analysis to other Exploration and Production as- sets where the community issue is rel- evant, such as Ucayali (PerĂº) and Casan- are (Colombia). These early projects will help us design a common approach for the entire Company so as to transfer these methods to all activities where community relations are relevant.
Finally, we highlight that in the course of 2017 we have not received any for- mal notification of significant adverse impacts arising from our operations from government authorities or from lo- cal communities. moreover, we have not undertaken any new operations in ter- ritories where indigenous communities have a presence, and no risks or breach- es have been detected as to indigenous communities rights.
Identification of impacts and opportunities