We work to improve the quality of the discharges of our Refining and Chemical plants and in the last two decades we have considerably improved their quality. The variations in the values of total organ- ic carbon and suspended solids in 2017 versus 2016 are due to the increase in production at our plants, added to which is the contribution of plants in the Chemi-
cal area commissioned in 2017, Sinarmas Cepsa Indonesia. The data in the table above are not referenced to the distilled crude oil (Refining) or the quantity of prod- ucts manufactured (Chemical), so the comparison does not translate into better or worse environmental unemployment in these business areas.
One of our environmental objectives is to minimise consumption of materials and
waste production, thus minimising im- pacts on the environment.
We are aware that any increase in our busi- ness involves an increase in raw material utilisation. Our efforts focus on innovation projects that seek alternatives to opti- mise our materials utilisation and ensure our processes increasingly use renewable materials. The incorporation of bio com-
ponents into our fuels, together with the production of our Cepsa bioenergy San Roque plants and the Indonesian plant, where 100% of consumed materials come from renewable sources, have meant that in 2017 this type of material represents 1.56% of the total consumed by Cepsa.
Consumption of Raw materials
Renewable Non-renewable Packaging materials Total
2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015
Refining1 401 324 313 21,260 21,748 21,667 - - - 21,661 22,071 21,980
Chemicals2 48 - - 4,264 3,931 3,734 - - - 4,312 3,931 3,734
gas & Power - - - 482 381 369 - - - 482 381 369
Commercial 102 - - 6,189 - - 2,653 2,164 2,468 8,944 2,164 2,468
Total 552 324 313 32,195 26,060 25,769 2,653 2,164 2,468 35,400 28,548 28,550
1 For the Refining business unit, about 80% of raw materials are reported, in so far as the report includes both tonnes of processed crudes and quantity of substances from renewable sources used in processing.
2 For the Chemicals business unit, figures comprise the main tonnage of raw materials for processing. The volume of chemicals is not reported.