CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS At 31 December 2017 and 2016 Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A.U and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group) Thousands of euros
Cash flows from operating activities 2017 2016
Profit (losses) for the year before taxes 1,053,538 819,103
Depreciation and amortization charge and impairment losses 955,238 781,732
Changes in provisions for contingencies and expenses 7,186 56,200
Grants related to assets and other deferred income (Note 18) (30,196) (38,418)
Impairment and gains or losses on disposals of financial instruments (Notes 13 and 19) (8,160) 2,360
Change in operating allowances 9,381 (329,601)
Finance result 19,456 47,295
Share of profit of an associate and a joint venture (Note 7) (47,838) 58,597
Other changes (38,523) (31,706)
Cash flows from operating activities before change in operating working capital 1,920,082 1,365,562
Change in operating working capital (650,859) 212,387
Interest paid (73,463) (81,568)
Interest received 38,490 36,195
Dividends received (Note 7) 49,843 41,961
Income tax paid/received (192,496) (219,189)
Other cash flows from operating activities (177,626) (222,601)
Total cash flows from operating activities 1,091,597 1,355,348
Cash Flows from investing activities 2017 2016
Intangible assets (107,678) (28,534)
Property, plant and equipment (496,064) (549,239)
Financial assets
Associates and other investments (23,030) (4,824)
Other financial assets (68,689) (111,487)
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired (19,491) (665)
Grants received 7 502
Total payments (714,945) (694,247)
Intangible assets 487 2,603
Property, plant and equipment 4,439 19,330
Financial assets 101,609 519,684
Total collections 106,535 541,617
Total cash flows from investing activities (608,410) (152,630)
CHAPTER 6 Appendices