Prevention is one of our main actions to protect soil and groundwater that may be affected by our activities. To this end, we design safe facilities and inspection and maintenance programmes to avoid emit- ting pollutant substances into the envi-
ronment in which we operate. We work to have early warning mechanisms and inter- nal control procedures in place, to detect any such leakage as soon as possible, in order to take appropriate actions to pre- vent contamination.
throughout 2017, thanks to a project to review the capabilities and preparedness for this type of emergency, focused on the review and updating of response plans, development of training and drills, re- placement and acquisition of new equip- ment and signing of cooperation agree- ments, has allowed greater efficiency and spill response capacity.
Furthermore, throughout 2017, research and development efforts continued into
technologies that would enable a faster and more effective spill response. The NETCON project, in which a network for the early detection of contaminants by fi- bre optic is being developed in collabora- tion with leading research organisations, is one such project. The fully operative pilot is planned for 2018 at the gibraltar- San Roque Refinery.