We have a channel to report incidents and irregularities. This channel, targeting all our internal and external stakeholders, is avail- able at all times on our website in Spanish and english.
We inform our stakeholders about the ex- istence of the channel via the corporate website and, in the specific case of business partners or suppliers, via contractual docu- ments. Any users of the channel remain anonymous, treating any advice confiden- tially and under a premise of zero tolerance towards retaliation for whistleblowers, pro- vided that the complaints are made in good faith, as set out in the Code of ethics and Conduct and the Policy of the ethics and Compliance Channel.
The ethics and Compliance channel is man- aged directly by the ethics and Compliance office, which reports independently to the Audit, Compliance and ethics Committee. The procedure for investigating communi- cations collected through the channel is laid down in the Policy of the ethics and Compli- ance Channel, also available on our corpo- rate website.
during 2017, 20 queries and complaints were received through the ethics and Com- pliance Channel related to fraud, harass- ment and dealing with customer service issues related to the purchasing process. All enquiries and complaints were addressed and resolved during the year.
CHAPTER 4 efficient and responsible management