The raw materials we use, as well as their intermediate and finished products, have a main entry and exit channel to and from our facilities: the sea. Refinery marine terminals used for loading and unloading, maritime facilities, Explora- tion and Production activities, fuel supply manoeuvres at the ports and anchorages and other operations conducted in this environment represent a very significant annual number of transfers by sea, with the consequent risk to the marine envi- ronment.
To this end, we have a marine environ- ment protection strategy, based on pol- lution prevention, early detection and
availability of the best control techniques and clean-up operations of accidental spillage. Part of this strategy is made up of the strict inspection and maintenance plans of our facilities, as well as the train- ing of personnel through practical exer- cises and various levels of simulations. by way of example, in 2017 a large general simulation of the fight against marine pollution was carried out at the maritime terminal of the gibraltar-San Roque Re- finery, highlighting the reaction capacity and resources available for such an event.
At an international level, the Explora- tion & Production facilities also have an exhaustive spill preparation plan that,
We have a marine protection system based on preventing contamination, early detection and the best control techniques and cleaning of any accidental spills.
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017