We have in place two-way communica- tion channels aligned to the nature of the activities we carry out and the features of the local community so that we can elicit their expectations about Cepsa.
Firstly, whenever we start a new activity or make significant changes to existing ones and as a general principle we keep the communities in our areas of in- fluence informed by running workshops and consultation rounds, which often go beyond legal requirements.
In addition, our activities are coupled with communication channels for us to receive, consider and provide structured and transparent responses to claims, complaints, queries and proposals. We use electronic and physical mailboxes, and direct communication through our community relations teams.
by way of example, we have set up com- mittees of neighbouring residents at our industrial facilities. Through direct relations with local authorities and the community, the committees handle the dialogue among the various parties, thus enhancing their understanding of the Company s strategies and improv- ing the community s perception of us. Furthermore, as an exercise in transpar- ency, committee meetings and complaint procedures and recording systems are audited by an independent third party. In 2017, the committee at San Roque com- pleted its 10th year of existence. This is a good example of the sustainable rela- tions over time that Cepsa wants to cre- ate with local communities.
One of the goals of our Social Action Pol- icy is to create value and deliver on our commitment to support the development of our host communities. We structure
our community action initiatives into five realms of action, so that we can adapt and meet needs as they emerge:
Communication channels
generate a positive impact on those collectives most in need.
Encourage literary and artistic development, and preserve popular traditions and historic heritage.
Support research and innovation in the energy and industrial sectors and reinforce education and employability.
Support activities that bring the community closer to nature and undertake projects for the recovery of natural spaces and biodiversity.
Support youth sports and the organisation of a range of sports disciplines for the community.
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017