At Cepsa, we are working to decrease emissions arising from the products that we sell on the market, and optimising the formulation of our fuels, which would ena- ble us to reduce their impact on air quality. We comply with the most recent European regulations on benzene, lead and sulphur
content in fuels (EN 228 for gasoline, EN 590 for diesel and DEF STAN 91-901 for aviation kerosene). Similarly, our marine fuels comply with the sulphur limits set in the mARPOL 73/38 International Conven- tion, and the new European Directive on the sulphur content of liquid fuels.
Water is a source of life. We are aware of its importance and we recognise the fun- damental right of people to access and availability of fresh water; we assume the responsibility to manage it in a sus- tainable way and we apply the best tech- niques to control and reduce discharges from operations, emphasising the quality of the water that we return to the natu- ral environment in order to minimise as much as possible the impact derived from the activities and processes of the production plants and business units.
Water is an essential resource for opera- tions. In exploration and production it is required for the drilling of wells and also during the extraction phase. In refining, petrochemical, marketing of products and generation of electricity water is used during manufacturing, and as a source of steam and process cooler, among other uses.
We seek out and implement the best techniques to ensure that water capture and discharge to and from our facilities
are compliant with the limits set in our operating licences and are respectful of the natural environment. before design- ing a new project or expanding existing facilities, we consider the issue of respon- sible water use and seek to set in motion the following measures:
Prevention: use water efficiently to drive savings.
maximise reuse of process waters.
Purification of water in order to be able to recycle it.
Treatment of water that cannot be re- used or recycled to adapt its quality to the receiving environment in accord- ance with environmental authorisa- tions.
Our water management was rated C under CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), thus our challenge for next year is to im- prove water management and, as a re- sult, be recognised for this.
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017