We regard quality as a key factor for suc- cess. Developing, manufacturing and marketing increasingly complex products and services calls for a proactive focus on quality.
To provide efficient management and control of the Quality System, we have accordingly developed a Quality man- agement System based on the ISO 9000 family of standards. Implementation of the system in our businesses is regularly measured by certification audits.
In 2017, we reaffirmed our commitment to quality by renewing our certificates. We are one of the first Spanish energy com- panies to certify its Quality management Systems to the new ISO standards pub- lished in 2015 (ISO 9001:2015), one year ahead of deadline.
All of us at Cepsa are committed to the quality of our products and services. We strive to improve every day by complying with regulations and international stand- ards and by adapting to our customers current and future needs.
Our vision is to be recognised as leaders in the quality of our products and services, based on our commitment to a culture of compliance and process improvement.
Our commitment to improve is supported by the information we collect from our customers:
Customer requirements. The quality requirements for Cepsa products and services are set by our customers, with whom we work closely to under- stand and meet their current expecta- tions and to anticipate and respond to their future needs.
Customer satisfaction. We have a range of systems in place to assess our customers experience and im- prove each business area, including external and internal customer sur- veys, audits, organisational self-as- sessments, performance metrics and statistical tools.
CHAPTER 5 Cepsa in 2017