1 The figures for 2016 have been recalculated to report the drilling mud separately and include the waste generated in the Exploration and Production business.
Cepsa constantly reviews its procedures and activities to minimize the waste we produce, either by reusing the resourc- es consumed in our processes, whenever possible, or separating the waste we pro- duce at source. To this end, we have es- tablished waste hierarchy criteria at our facilities.
We brought various projects on stream throughout 2018, the most noteworthy being our San Roque bioenergy plant. This has enabled us to declassify olein as waste and use it as a sub-product in pro- duction processes. Details of the waste generated during the year by type and how it was treated are as follows:
Waste management
Percentage of waste by treatment method 2018 2017 2016
Hazardous waste
Transboundary movements 1% 2% 1%
Waste sent to landfill 58% 57% 64%
Energy recovery 40% 26% 24%
Incineration 0% 1% 9%
Waste recycling 2% 16% 2%
Non-hazardous waste
Waste sent to landfill 66% 53% 53%
Energy recovery 6% 1% 1%
Incineration 0% 2% 0%
Waste recycling 28% 44% 46%
Amount of waste treated (tonnes) 2018 2017 20161
Hazardous waste 48,013.92 41,663.78 36,629.77
Non-hazardous waste 42,564.20 23,166.09 14,831.46
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