Nº and percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
Country Nº of employees covered Nº of employees not covered % of employees covered
Algeria 0 112 0%
Belgium 0 8 0%
Brazil 188 0 100%
Canada 0 63 0%
China 0 120 0%
Colombia 0 225 0%
U.A.E. 0 23 0%
U.S.A. 0 1 0%
Spain 8,655 0 100%
Italy 7 0 100%
Malaysia 0 19 0%
Nigeria 0 1 0%
The Netherlands 0 4 0%
Panama 0 7 0%
Peru 0 56 0%
Portugal 604 0 100%
United Kingdom 0 8 0%
Singapore 0 6 0%
Thailand 0 46 0%
TOTAL 9,454 699 93%
Respect for the right to freedom of asso- ciation and workers representation is one of our fundamental principles in our rela- tions with employees.
This is reflected in our Human and Work- ers Rights Policy, approved in 2018. It es- tablishes the principles of respect for the right to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Together with the right to join a union and the pro- tection of workers representatives, it is in compliance with labour legislation in each country and existing agreements on freedom of association, the freedom to form and join unions and engage in col- lective bargaining, as ratified by Spain.
The frameworks for the working condi- tions implemented in the regions where
our employees needs while fulfilling the requirements of the job.
These frameworks are established through collective bargaining and agree- ments, enabling us to maintain a two-way relationship and communication with the unions and the employees legal repre- sentatives. In addition to complying with the legislation in force, the Code of Ethics and Conduct reflects our commitment to working in accordance with internation- ally recognised laws and practices, such as the United Nations Universal Decla- ration on Human Rights, the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work established by the International La- bour Organisation (ILO) and the Guide- lines for Multinational Enterprises of the OECD.
CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 People and talent
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