We approved our Policy on Human and Workers' Rights in 2018, which sets out the basic rules of conduct to respect these rights in all our activities and busi- ness relations. It is obligatory that our workforce (directors and employees alike), subsidiaries over which Cepsa has effective control, and third parties with whom we do business such as suppliers and customers, adhere to this policy.
This Policy seeks to promote the ab- sence of discrimination based on any di- versity factor (gender, age, race, or any other personal distinction), in a way that conducts contrary to human dignity and compliance of universal rights shall be sanctioned, and promote measures to strengthen ethical conduct in an atmos- phere of equality, and consequently pro- mote an atmosphere of diversity. In 2018 there were five reports of discrimination, of which only one had evidence to sup- port the case, and measures were imple- mented to resolve it swiftly.
The Policy complies with the current leg- islation in each state in which we operate and is in coherence with the Group s Code of Ethics and Conduct. It formalizes this Policy in accordance with international laws and practices such as the Univer-
sal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the Declaration on Fun- damental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the OECD Guidelines for Multi- national Enterprises, taking into account what is established in the National Action Plan for Companies and Human Rights of the Government of Spain approved on July 28th, 2017.
The guiding principles of the policy aim to protect Cepsa s personnel and contrac- tors, the suppliers who work with us, our customers, and the local and indigenous communities in the areas we operate.
The Policy on Human and Workers' Rights training plan and associated initiatives will be implemented in 2019.
During 2018, we did not receive reports of any breaches in our operations in con- nection with the freedom of association and collective bargaining, child labour or compulsory labour. We were also not made aware of any incidents infringing the rights of the indigenous communities where we operate, or any significant risks of breaches of human and workers rights during the risk assessments of our sup- pliers.
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