Our activities generate GHG emissions included in the reporting scope are CO2, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) which we control and manage to the strictest of standards. CO2 emissions are measured and reported monthly, and au- dited annually to fulfil the legal obliga- tions of the facilities subject to the Emis- sions Trading Scheme. Emissions of CH4 and N2O are measured and verified along with CO2 through ISO 14064 accredi- tation of the carbon footprint of the fa- cilities included within the scope of the verification process, which we are com- mitted to widening every year. We have
also rolled out optimization plans at our refineries and petrochemical plants to cut emissions. In the case of the refiner- ies, a key performance indicator is used for CO2 emissions, which is aligned with the EU-ETS reduction targets in the re- fining sector. This indicator forms part of the company s performance-related pay structure, illustrating our pledge in this area. Details of Scope 1 emissions (from direct combustion and processes) and Scope 2 emissions (derived from pur- chased energy) are shown below. We also report on Scope 3 emissions, which com- prise those generated in our value chain.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
"We have implemented optimization plans at our refineries and chemicals plants to reduce emissions."
CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 Environment
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