CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 Environment
It is notable that 6.4% of the electrici- ty we buy is generated using renewable sources.
In addition to the emissions derived from internal energy consumption, we calcu- late the external energy consumption through the emissions of scope 3. These emissions are converted to the equiva- lent consumption unit of natural gas,
according to the category, and the con- version and emissions factors published in the DEFRA (Department for Environ- ment, Food and Rural Affairs) JRC WTW Report and Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28. These categories are reported in 2018 although at the date of this re- port, they have still not been certified un- der the scope of ISO 14064.
As we do to control our emissions, we use an energy indicator based on the volume of activity of each business unit to meas- ure our performance with regards to en-
ergy consumption given the operations carried out each reporting year and the level of activity of each operation:
2 Those domestic or foreign companies over which we do not have 100% financial or operational control are excluded.
Category 2018 2017 2016
Acquisition of goods and services 84,951 83,233 77,477
Activities relating to fuel and energy 8,832 8,359 7,125
Waste generated 105 55 96
Transport and distribution of raw materials 14,706 13,923 13,565
Franchises 606 601 569
Investments 2 821 782 810
Total 110,021 106,953 99,642
Direct energy efficiency 2018 2017 2016
Refining 1 (GJ/t processed) 2.0 2.13 2.17
Chemicals 2 (GJ/t produced) 5.8 5.9 5.8
E&P 3 (GJ/t oil and gas produced) 1.45 1.13 1.05
Gas & Power 4 (tonnes of CO2 equivalent/ TJ output of electricity + steam ) 1.27 1.40 1.35
1 Scope includes the Gibraltar San Roque, La RĂ¡bida and Tenerife refineries. 2 Scope includes Spanish and foreign chemical plants, including the consumption of Indonesia plant. 3 Scope includes the assets with operational control and fields in Algeria, considered as per their working interest and reported because they are assets under control.
4 Scope includes Spanish co-generation plants and the combined cycle plant. Figures for 2016 and 2017 have been recalculated to standardize the units in which this index is expressed in 2018: TJ/TJ output of electrici- ty+ steam.
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