Cepsa works to avoid and if this is not possible, reduce our non-GHG emissions (primarily SO2, NOx and particulates) to minimize the damage caused by these substances to the environment and hu- man health. To achieve this, we have a procedure in place to continuously con- trol these emissions, and can report that indicators measuring these emissions by production unit have been decreasing year-on-year thanks to the combustion enhancements we have made and the use of cleaner technologies and abate- ment systems. In the same vein and as
part of our continuous improvements drive, a raft of investments are planned for the coming years, such as: work to boost efficiency and use natural gas as a fuel in certain ovens; installing scrubbers for gas that may be used as fuels; and en- hancements to the steam recovery units at some of our facilities. Despite these ef- forts, NOx emissions are up year-on-year in the Chemicals business, due to the In- donesia plant that was not operating dur- ing most of 2017.
SO2 emissions 2018 2017 2016
Refining (kg/tonne processed) 0.243 0.291 0.338
Chemicals (kg/tonne processed) 0.243 0.06 0.008
E&P (kg/t oil and gas produced) 0.008 0.016 0.050
NOx emissions 2018 2017 2016
Refining (kg/tonne processed) 0.171 0.175 0.158
Chemicals (kg/tonne processed) 0.508 0.25 0.27
E&P (kg/t oil and gas produced) 0.64 0.602 0.690
PM emissions 2018 2017 2016
Refining (kg/tonne processed) 0.013 0.012 0.012
Chemicals (kg/tonne processed) 0.058 0.012 0.006
E&P (kg/t oil and gas produced) 0.009 0.009 0.010
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