CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 People and talent
The principles on which we base our measures to foster equality through re- spect for diversity, discouraging dis- crimination on the grounds of gender, ethnic origin, beliefs, religion, age, disa- bility, political affiliation, sexual orienta- tion, nationality, citizenship, civil status, socio-economic status and any other in- dividual differences, are enshrined in our Code of Ethics and Conduct, in our Hu- man and Workers Rights Policy, in the collective bargaining agreements in force and in our Equality Plans. This commit- ment to diversity has also been clear- ly stated in our signing of the Diversity Charter. We see in diversity an opportuni- ty to improve our business model, making the ethical and equal treatment of all our employees part of our fundamental val- ues, so they all feel a sense of belonging and motivation.
As part of our commitment to diversi- ty, we take seriously our responsibility to help people with disabilities to be part of the workforce, complying with legislative requirements in this area. Cepsa current- ly employs 101 people with disabilities in Spain.
In 2018 we initiated a project to imple- ment a Diversity and Inclusion Manage- ment model, covering various areas, and that will be rolled out in 2019. A univer- sal access policy will also be developed to help people with disabilities access both our work centres and our electron- ic and virtual resources, improving and extending the scope of the current Uni- versal Accessibility Policy for the Cepsa Tower building.
Finally, our Human and Workers Rights Policy sets out our commitment to re- specting the rights of all our employees, fostering a climate that fully respects people's dignity, preventing harassment, intimidation and violence in any form. To guarantee this, we have policies govern- ing the investigation of reports of sex- ual harassment and bullying, designed to mitigate and repair the harm caused by inappropriate behavior and ensure people s privacy and dignity are fully respected.
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