The responsible use of water is inte- grated in all of our production processes through consumption saving initiatives, maximising the reuse of water resourc- es, the search for new sources of water and reduction of our impact when water is discharged into the environment after use.
We seek out and implement the best techniques to ensure that water capture and discharge to and from our facilities are compliant with the limits set in our operating licences and are respectful of the natural environment.
Before designing a new project or ex- panding existing facilities, we consider the issue of responsible water use and seek to set in motion the following meas- ures:
Prevention: use water efficiently to drive savings.
Maximization: reuse of process water.
Water purification to recycle it.
Treatment of water that cannot be reused or recycled to ensure it can be safely discharged in accordance with environmental authorisations.
We report our performance regarding water management every year by partic- ipating in the CDP Water Security (Car- bon Disclosure Project) global disclosure cycle that enables public organizations, businesses and individuals to monitor and administrate their environmental performance.
We achieved a CDP 2018 score based on 2017 figures of B-. We are currently roll- ing out a new procedure to enhance our performance in these areas and are de- veloping projects at our production cen- tres to improve water management.
" We are implementing a new procedure and different project at our production centers to improve our water management."
CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 Environment
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