CHAPTER 6 Appendices About this report
The 2018 Corporate Responsibility Re- port is published with the aim of fulfi lling the information needs of all our stake- holders while reaffi rming the company s commitment to transparency. It includes reports on our strategy, the performance of our businesses and the economic, envi- ronmental and social impact of our activi- ties and how we manage them.
The information contained in the An- nual Corporate Responsibility Report complies with the requirements of Law 11/2018, of 28 December, on the Disclo- sure of Non-Financial and Diversity Infor- mation approved on 13 December 2018 by the Congress of Deputies, amending the Commercial Code, the revised text of the Corporate Enterprises Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of 2 July, and Law 22/2015, of 20 July, on the Auditing of Accounts, with respect to the disclosure of non-fi nancial and di- versity information. The content provided in compliance with these legal require- ments is detailed in table of the Non-fi - nancial statement 2018.
This document also includes additional information to that required by current legislation on the disclosure of non-fi - nancial information. The 2018 Annual Corporate Responsibility Report has been prepared in accordance with the Core op- tions of the GRI Standards, including the
disclosure requirements contained in the
GRI Oil and Gas Sector Supplement. We
have also followed the recommenda-
tions of other reporting standards such
as the International Framework on Inte-
grated Reporting (
The aforementioned standards have been applied to determine the content of the report (including the inclusion of stake- holder groups, the principles of sustain- ability, materiality and exhaustiveness) and to ensure its quality (accuracy, bal- ance, clarity, comparability, reliability and timeliness).
The Annual Report and Corporate Re- sponsibility Report form part of the Man- agement Report and are subject to the same approval, fi ling and publication pro- cedures. The disclosures therein have been verifi ed by an independent third par- ty in accordance with ISAE 3000 stand- ard with a limited assurance level.
For any additional information about this report you can contact us directly via the following address: responsabilidad.cor- porativa@cepsa.com
The 2018 Annual Report and Corporate Responsibility Report includes consoli- dated information from the whole Cepsa Group, whose headquarters are located at Cepsa Tower, Paseo de la Castellana, 259A, 28046, Madrid, on the fi nancial, en- vironmental and social impact of our ac- tivities, and additional information to fa- cilitate understanding of its results and performance.
If the scope of any information included in the report varies from that stated in the paragraph above, the specifi c scope is disclosed in the section or in the GRI ta- ble. The report also includes fi gures from previous years which have been adjusted for improved comparability. This is specif- ically stated in the section concerned.
Note: the Consolidated Financial Statements of Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal) and subsidiaries are filed at the Madrid Mercantile Register.
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