In 2018, the work done on developing our Diversity and Inclusion Management model included the launch of a review of our promotion procedures to ensure they are free of any type of bias. A detailed analysis of the performance and poten- tial assessments obtained by the Talent Committees was also carried out to de- tect and, if necessary, prevent and/or cor- rect any biases that could lead to a sala- ry gap. A study is also being carried out to determine if such gaps exist with the
aim of developing a project from 2019 to mitigate their effects and eliminate them.
We compare standard starting salaries for each job with the local minimum, bro- ken down by gender, together with the salaries of men compared with women in each job category in Cepsa and in each country where we have significant oper- ations. These figures help us detect any potential differences so that we can tack- le them effectively.
Ratio of minimum standard starting salary by sex compared with the local minimum wage Women Man
Spain 1.61 1.59
Algeria 4.75 5.51
Belgium 3.98 3.98
China 31.64 30.13
Colombia 3.63 3.90
Malaysia 7.18 2.51
The Netherlands - 2.54
Peru 7.42 8.23
United Kingdom 2.03 3.16
Singapore 6.19 31.58
Thailand 3.66 6.22
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