CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 People and talent
Under 30 years Between 30 and 50 years Over 50 years 2018 total
2017 total
2016 total
Women Men Women Men Women Men
Manager - - - - - - - - 6
Head of Department - - 1 2 - 5 8 10 13
Senior Technicians - - 1 3 1 2 7 13 26
Intermediate Technicians - 1 1 2 4 7 15 10 42
Specialists 4 6 11 13 7 22 63 69 93
Administrative Staff - - - - 1 - 1 6 2
Assistants - - - 1 - - 1 3 2
Total 4 7 14 21 13 36 95 111 184
We make every effort to ensure a good working environment and to improve our working conditions. Reflecting the new social, work and business culture based on flexibility, respect, trust and mutual commitment, we have developed a work- life balance management programme based on the family-friendly business (EFR) model developed by the MasFamil- iar Foundation, recognised by the UN as Good Practice in the field of work-life balance. The framework for our work- ing conditions is established through col-
lective bargaining agreements, whose principle aim is to ensure that the work respects our employees needs while ful- filling the requirements of the job. This means our labour relations system is re- sponsive and integrated, fully involving the trade unions and workers legal rep- resentatives and with high levels of com- munication and coordination with them.
Parental leave Women Men Total
Number of employees entitled to maternity/paternity leave in the year 56 162 218
Number of employees who used their entitlement to maternity/ paternity leave in the year 54 147 201
Number of employees returning to work in the year after the end of their maternity/paternity leave 35 133 168
Return to work rate 65% 90% 84%
Retention rate1 87% 97% 94%
1 It is calculated considering the total number of employees who took the paternity leave and stayed on the Company as from 12 months after their return.
MAN 97%
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