MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships in the marine environment caused by oper- ational or accidental factors.
Metaxylene: Aromatic hydrocarbon used as a raw material for the production of polymers and plastics.
MWh: Megawatt hour. Energy unit
Net entitlement: Net entitlement, cal- culated after applying contractual provi- sions, in the case of Production Distribu- tion Agreements, in accordance with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commis- sion) regulations.
NO2: Nitrogen dioxide.
NOx: Nitrogen oxides.
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-op- eration and Development.
Offshore: Away from the coast or out to sea. Applies to activities performed at sea, such as the operation of oil plat- forms.
Onshore: Inland from the coastline; on land.
Other indirect greenhouse gas emis- sions (Scope 3): All indirect emissions (except for those included in Scope 2) that take place outside of the organisa- tion, at both production and consumer entities.
Pool: Wholesale electricity market. Mar- ket overseen by the operator OMEL, in which electricity is purchased and sold on a daily basis.
Seismic: Method for determining a de- tailed subterranean structure of rock by detecting and measuring reflected acoustic waves impacting the various rock strata. It is used to locate structures
that may potentially contain crude oil or gas before drilling. The processing of these data produces 3D images of the subterranean structures to be generated.
SMEs: Small and Medium-sized Enter- prises.
SO2: Sulphur dioxide.
UAE: United Arab Emirates.
UNE-EN ISO: International standard as drafted for Spain.
United Nations Global Compact: Initi- ative intended to encourage the private sector to assume environmental, labour, human rights protection and anti-corrup- tion commitments.
Working interest: Total production inter- est, calculated before applying contrac- tual conditions in the case of Production Distribution Agreements.
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