CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 Social welfare
The Community Relations Policy forms part of the strategies to forge relations with society and it establishes that in or- der to positively manage the impacts and risks stemming from our activity, avoid conflicts and ensure our operations are sustainable, it is essential we build a framework of trust, transparency and clear communication with all individuals and groups with whom we engage during project operations.
An example of this type of steps is the regular meetings held with different lo- cal community groups to inform them of the status and progress of the company s
activity and discuss issues such as social investment programmes or job opportu- nities for the local population.
We have also set up channels of commu- nication to receive, analyse and respond in a structured and transparent manner to any claims, complaints, questions or proposals received by email or post, and encourage direct communication through community engagement teams. There are presently no unresolved complaints lodged by the local communities within the sphere of influence of the Exploration and Production activities.
One of our aims as a company is to be involved in running initiatives that help the people and environments around us, adapting to the needs of each communi- ty where we operate and with a vision of
being a source of energy that drives com- munity development. These initiatives, projects and activities are primarily chan- nelled through the Cepsa Foundation* and are grouped into five categories:
Communication Channels
We strive to improve the living conditions of local communities and people.
We promote activities to preserve local customs and artistic and cultural heritage.
We back projects that enhance education, employability, research and innovation in the energy sector and industry.
We look to properly conserve and care for the environment and involve society through initiatives to protect our natural heritage.
We support activities that champion grass roots sports, with a view to nurturing values such as continuous improvement and solidarity.
*For further information: www.fundacioncepsa.com
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