We have an Ethics and Compliance Channel that all stakeholders can use anonymously and in the strictest con- fidence to submit inquiries about eth- ics and conduct matters and report any potential incidents and irregularities regarding compliance with the Code, corporate policies or any internal or external regulations governing Cepsa. The Ethics and Compliance Office is sole- ly responsible for managing the channel under the supervision of the Board s Au- dit, Ethics and Compliance Committee.
The Ethics and Compliance Channel can be accessed through our corporate web- site and our staff and suppliers have been trained on how to use it. Furthermore, the contractual documents governing rela- tions with our partners also include in- formation on the channel. In 2018, we de- veloped a mobile app Cepsa Ethics and Compliance , which is available to all em- ployees and connects them directly with the Ethics and Compliance Office.
In 2018, 4,406 employees (43% of the workforce) received training on the in- ternal procedures and rules on ethics and conduct and on using the manage-
ment tools available, while key aspects of the company s new Code of Ethics and the Ethics and Compliance Channel have been communicated to them.The proce- dure for investigating inquiries and com- plaints received through the channel is laid down in the Ethics and Compliance Channel Policy, also available on our cor- porate website (www.cepsa.com). Dur- ing 2018, 148 inquiries and reports were received through the Ethics and Compli- ance Channel and from the Human Re- sources and Organization Department, mainly related with: workplace health and safety; the pledge to uphold human and workers rights and respect; relations with partners, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders; and the use and safe- guarding of our assets and properties. Of the 117 reports resolved, 25 were found to be uncorroborated, 8 were resolved with corrective measures being put in place, and 84 resulted in disciplinary ac- tion. They were mainly related with: the pledge to uphold human and workers rights and respect; control, governance and compliance in our operations; work- place health and safety; and the use and safeguarding of our assets and proper- ties.
CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 Our management approach
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