CHAPTER 6 Appendices Glossary
ADNOC: Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.
Barrel: Measure of volume equivalent to 159 litres.
Biofuel: Fuel from vegetable oil.
CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project. A non-profit organisation which manages global disclosure for investors, compa- nies, cities, states and regions in order to manage their impact on the environment.
CH4: Methane.
CO2: equivalent: Equivalence of the global warming potential of carbon diox- ide (CO2) with other greenhouse gases.
CO2: Carbon dioxide.
COP21 of Paris: International confer- ence about Climatic Change held in Paris in 2015.
CROP (Continuous Refining Optimiza- tion Program): continuous refining opti- misation programme.
Cumene: Aromatic hydrocarbon derived from oil that is used for production of products as phenol or acetone.
Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1): Emissions that take place at centres owned by the organisation or those under its control.
Emission allowances: Permits or cred- its given to organisations that enable them to fulfil the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol, and which can subsequently be sold on a regulated market.
EPD: Environmental Product Declara- tion. Certified environmental declaration of environmental information for prod- ucts and services based on the analysis of lifecycle and other relevant informa- tion.
FRC: Family Responsible Company.
GHG Protocol: Standardised global framework for the measurement and management of greenhouse gas emis- sions.
GHG: Greenhouse Gases.
GJ: Gigajoule (1 billion joules). The joule is the International System of Units (SI) unit of work or energy, which is equiv- alent to the work done on an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one metre.
GRI: An independent institution that de- veloped the first global standard for the preparation of sustainability reports for those companies that wish to evaluate their financial, environmental and social performance. It is an official centre col- laborating with the United Nations Envi- ronment Programme (UNEP).
GW: Gigawatt (1 billion watts). The watt is the unit of power in the International System of Units which is equivalent to the power produced by a potential differ- ence of 1 volt and an electric current of 1 ampere (1 volt-ampere).
GWh: Gigawatt/hour. Energy unit.
Henry Hub Spot: The daily spot price of natural gas at the main market of United States.
ILO (International Labour Organisa- tion): United Nations Organisation that advocates for internationally recognised social justice and human and labour rights.
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions due to consuming energy (Scope 2): Emissions occuring due to the purchase or acquisition of electricity, heating, cool- ing and steam consumed by the organi- sation.
IOGP: International Organisation of Oil and Gas Producers.
ISO: International Organisation for Standardisation.
ISO 14001: Certifiable environmental management standard.
ISO 14064: Standard that verifies re- ports on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
ISO 19600: Certifiable compliance man- agement standard.
ISO 20000: IT Services management certification standard.
ISO 27001: Certification standard for in- formation security management.
ISO 37001: Certification standard for management on prevention of bribery in organizations. ISO 50001: Certifiable energy manage- ment standard.
ISO 9001: Certifiable quality manage- ment standard.
IUCN: International Union for Conserva- tion of Nature.
JV (Joint Venture): joint commercial investment agreement between two or more partners.
LAB: Linear alkyl benzene, the most common raw material in the production of biodegradable detergents.
LABSA: Sulphonic acid of linear alkyl benzene, used in manufacturing powder, liquid, gel, agglomerate, bar or tablet de- tergents.
LPG: Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
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