It is worth mentioning that due to the in- crease in activity at the Exploration and Production assets we currently operate and inclusion of the figures for the chem- icals plant in Indonesia, the figure for 2018 show a very large increase in the to- tal amount of water discharged. The fig- ures are therefore not comparable with
those of prior years. Nonetheless, our goal is to collate as much data as possi- ble in our management and control sys- tems to have the most complete picture possible of how we use this resource and therefore be able to improve year after year how it is collected and subsequently treated and discharged.
Cepsa is convinced that we need to move away from a throw-away model built on easy access to abundant resourc- es towards a new model in which prod- ucts, materials and resources remain in the economy for as long as possible and waste is kept to a minimum. In oth- er words, shifting from a linear to a circu- lar economy.
In 2018, we signed up to the Circular Economy Pact established by Spain s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Environment; and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitive- ness.
This pact involves all the main social and economic agents in Spain to make them part of this transition by taking a number of steps to reduce the use of resources, analyse product life cycles, and promote best practices in waste generation and management.
We demonstrate our commitment to these principles through projects that put us at the cutting edge in the efficient use of raw materials, reuse of these ma- terials, and minimization and recycling of waste.
Because of the nature of our activity, the main raw material Cepsa uses is crude oil. We therefore work tirelessly to opti- mize the performance of our production processes to obtain the most we can from them, making use of all the sub-products from processing this precious resource. Other raw materials we use are renew- able and we have sustainability certifi- cates for those used for our processes in the Trading, Refining and CCP units.
All these materials are used not only to produce our products but also to gener- ate the energy we need for our produc- tion processes. We therefore dedicate a lot of time to reducing our consumption of raw materials, boosting the efficiency of our operations, and optimizing the use of these energy sources through technol- ogy and innovation. We have also imple- mented an energy management model that is accredited as per the ISO 50001 energy efficiency standard.
Consumption of raw materials
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