CHAPTER 5 Our responsible management in 2018 People and talent
We foster learning and training for all employees in every part of the business in order to fulfil the Company's business strategy.
A new, more flexible and transparent training model was implemented in 2018, structuring the training needed for each post and ensuring the training received matches the requirements of the job and the development needs of the employ- ee. The Talent in Motion model offers training solutions based on the principle
that most learning (70%) is acquired on the job, while 20% is acquired through individual study and just 10% through formal education. This model fosters self-development, helping the individual to commit to their own learning.
These efforts have led to the develop- ment of 17 Specialist and Transversal Training Schools, with more than 1,700 posts studied and the involvement of 150 experts.
Training by job category
Hours of training Hours of training per employee/year
2018 1 2017 2 2016 2 2018 1 2017 2 2016 2
Manager 1,172 1,416 2,306 14.0 16.1 25.7
Head of Department 19,232 13,004 15,898 32.8 25.9 32.1
Senior Technicians 69,413 60,126 64,637 38.1 43 49.2
Intermediate Technicians 46,939 33,839 46,349 37.4 30.3 41.5
Specialists 124,674 95,445 103,413 21.3 18.9 20.5
Administrative Staff 3,553 2,226 1,834 28.2 18 15.1
Assistants 8,532 2,506 3,291 60.5 33.9 29.5
Total 273,515 208,562 237,728 27.7 25.0 28.7
1 Data for Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom. 2 Data for Spain.
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