Indicator Description Global Compact SDG Page in Report Assured Indicators
OG - Sector Disclosures (Oil & Gas)
OG-2 Total amount invested in renewable energy Principle 8Principle 9
In 2018, investments were made in the Corus Project for the construction and start-up of a wind farm in Jerez de la Frontera, for a value of 19 million euros.
OG-3 Total amount of renewable energy generated by source Principle 8Principle 9 Currently, Cepsa does not have renewable energy sources.
G-4 Risks related to biodiversity (Number and percentage of signifi- cant operating sites in which biodiversity risk has been asses- sed and monitored)
Principle 8 Chapter 5.6 Environment
OG-7 Amount of drilling waste (drill mud and cuttings) Principle 8 Chapter 5.6 Environment
OG-9 Operations where indigenous communities are present or affected by activities and where specific engagement strategies are in place
Principle 1 Chapter 5.9 Social Welfare
OG-10 Litigation with indigenous communities Chapter 5.2 Ethics and Compliance
OG-13 Number of processes safety claims and mishaps, by business activity Chapter 5.5 Safety
No Poverty Affordable and Clean Energy Climate Action
Zero Hunger Decent Work and Economic Growth Life below Water
Good Health and Well-Being Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Life on Land
Quality Education Reduced Inequalities Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Gender Equality Sustainable Cities and Communities Partnerships for the Goals
Clean Water and Sanitation Responsible Consumption and Production
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