CHAPTER 8 Further information Economic, financial information
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income December 31, 2015 and 2014 Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A.U and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group) (Thousands of euros)
2015 2014 (Restated)*
Consolidated profit (loss) for the period of the Income statement (1,047,248) (371,542)
Income and expenses recognised directly in equity 72,149 168,098
Cash flow hedges 31,417 (11,003)
Net Investment hedge (352,288) (313,554)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 315,371 410,565
Companies accounted for using the equity method - (537)
Tax effect 77,649 82,627
Transfer to income statement 8,602 (12,755)
Cash flow hedges 9,720 (18,127)
Companies accounted for using the equity method 2,398 (66)
Tax effect (3,516) 5,438
Total recognised income/(expenses) (966,497) (216,199)
a) Attributable to equity holders of the Parent (956,954) (237,300)
b) Attributable to non-controlling interests 9,543 21,101
The discontinued operations did not lead to any change in the Consolidated Statement of Income apart from the change in the consolidated profit of 2014. The accompanying Notes 1 to 35 are an integral part of these Consolidated Statement of comprehensive income. * Financial year 2014 has been restated for comparison purposes with financial year 2015.