CHAPTER 7 Cepsa and the environment
We are aware of the impact of our ac- tivities on our surroundings and we assume the implications involved for the development of our processes. We defend the compatibility between de- velopment and the environment and are committed to sustainability and the optimization of our activities with the lowest possible impact.
The basic tools we have to ensure a good environmental performance, to achieve excellence are the following:
Basic Environmental Regulations.
Environmental Policy.
Certified Environmental Manage- ment Systems in our major in- dustrial facilities. We should note the obtention of the unified ISO 14001 certification in 2015, bring- ing together the certification of all operational centres in order to im- prove and unify the Company s en- vironmental management.
Environmental Declarations at our refineries and chemical plants.
Specific training in environmental matters.
Specific strategies for each envi- ronmental issue.
One of the tools that we are working on and which will allow us to improve our environmental management is the Cepsa Environmental Protection Sys- tem (SIPA), which will enable the uni- fied control and monitoring of environ- mental data from different facilities locally and internationally, bringing considerable progress in our environ- mental performance.
During 2016 we will continue with the implementation of the Refining BREF at our refineries and the review of the BREF for High Volume Organic Chem- istry (HVOC) and the BREF for Large Combustion Plants (LCP), with the aim of adapting our facilities to the best available techniques.
Preventing, minimizing and mitigating our impacts on the environment.