During 2016 we will take part in a new biodiversity project, the Biodiversity Action Plans (BAP), at the Palos de la Frontera and San Roque facilities. The aim is to define a program, methods and mechanisms for monitoring lo- cal management of conservation and biodiversity enhancement in these locations. Each BAP will include the
conservation and biodiversity improve- ment actions we have been carrying out at La Laguna Primera de Palos in Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) since it was restored more than a decade ago, and in the Madrevieja Environment Station at San Roque (Cádiz), which was opened in 2014.
In 2015 the main projects on biodiversity conservation and environmental awareness in which we have worked and collaborated are:
Database of marine and coastal resources and marine ecosystems beneath Coastal Energy s oil rigs in the province of Songkhla, Thailand. Years: 2012-2017.
Publication of scientific articles with data collected during the Abundance and distri- bution of apex predators in marine environ- ment of Doñana project. Financed by Cepsa.
Conservation of the Posidonia oceanica sea meadows in the Andalusian Mediterranean (LIFE Posidonia Andalucía). LIFE09 NAT/ ES/000534. Co-financed by Cepsa. Years: 2012-2015.
Andalusian blue carbon for climate change mitigation: quantification and recovery mechanisms (LIFE Blue Natura.). LIFE14 CCM/ES/000957. Co-financed by Cepsa. Years: 2015-2019.
Evaluation of the diversity and importance of bats in the area of influence of the Tiple Garibay exploration block (Colombia). Publication in 2015 of the report: Bats .
Tamar Project (Brazil), aimed at reco- vering and protecting sea turtles and strengthening their reproduction. Environ- mental education is taught in parallel.
Mangrove and marine fauna conservation in Lake Songkhla (Thailand), education and environmental awareness building. 2015.
Environmental education and awareness raising, as well as the recovery, conserva- tion and strengthening of habitats. Insti- tuto Fábrica de Florestas (Brazil). 2015.
For more information on the biodiversity projects click here.