CHAPTER 6 Our stakeholders Initiatives by country

Initiatives by country

CANADA Their contribution comprises various activities, inclu- ding fund-raising for social organisations. It is also one of the main sponsors of the Gentilly s River Park Cha- llenge triathlon in which professionals from the plant take part.

PERU The needs of this environment require very specific initiatives such as the creation of a training centre for sustainable productive development with organic co- coa and the Bioengineering Los Angeles - Lot 131 project for the revegetation and restoration of em- bankments to reduce environmental impacts on farm- land adjacent to our facilities.

COLOMBIA This is one of the most involved assets with its local communities. In Casanare we participated in basic sanitation projects and sustainable and productive agricultural infrastructure projects through interme- diary entities such as the Community Credit Fund, or through direct financial or material contributions. In Ca- racara we should note the Young Builders of Dreams project for educating and supporting disadvantaged children and Productive Projects which support the development of local families through improvements in their livelihood: agriculture and livestock.

BRAZIL We actively participate in various initiatives among which we should note the Green Cheque initia- tive, a cash donation derived from the recycling and sale of paper, glass, metals and waste accumulated during the year as well as the Health and Environment Workshop, an event lasting several days consisting of different activities focused on community awareness in these areas.