CHAPTER 8 Further information Economic, financial information
Balance Sheet (Before Profit Distribution at December 31) (Millions of euros)
Assets 2015 2014 (Restated)*
2013 2012 2011
Fixed assets 6,794 9,071 5,504 5,514 5,519
Intangible assets 428 488 504 540 445
Tangible fixed assets 4,803 7,226 4,330 4,354 4,594
Long-term financial investments 1,563 1,358 670 620 480
Goodwill in consolidation 305 821 50 63 62
Non-current assets 7,099 9,892 5,554 5,577 5,581
Current assets
Inventories 1,273 1,754 1,934 2,758 2,545
Accounts receivable 1,761 2,678 2,977 2,874 2,745
Other short-term investments 217 144 172 163 184
Other current assets 10 8 14 9 14
Cash and cash equivalents 1,234 1,383 2,283 1,758 1,304
Current assets 4,495 5,967 7,380 7,562 6,792
Non-current assets held for sale and from discontinued operations 253 - - - -
Total assets 11,847 15,859 12,934 13,139 12,373
* Financial year 2014 has been restated for comparison purposes with financial year 2015.