COLOMBIA Onshore production (crude oil)
Caracara (70%), located in the Los Llanos basin, and operated by Cepsa.
La Cañada Norte (16.7%), located in the higher Magadalena valley. Not operated by Cepsa.
In Exploration and Production onshore (crude)
CPO 12 (42%) and CPO 14 (37%), located in the Los Llanos basin. Not operated by Cepsa.
Merecure (70%), Tiple (70%), Garibay (50%), Puntero (70%), Llanos 22 (55%), located in the Los Llanos basin. Operated by Cepsa.
Oleoducto Central S.A. (Ocensa) - 5% of crude transport rights
THAILAND G5/43 offshore block located in Gulf of Thailand. In
production, 100% operated by Cepsa.
39% ownership of company APICO with exploratory interests onshore in Thailand and in onshore gas field (Sinphuhorn) operated by PTTEP.
MALAYSIA SRC offshore KBM crude contract. Located off coast
of Malaysia. Operated by Coastal KBM, Cepsa 70%, and in production.
Offshore PM-316 Block. Located off coast of Malaysia. Operated by Cepsa (100%). In exploration stage.
SPAIN Four offshore production concessions off coast of Tarragona: Casablanca (7.45%), Rodaballo (15%), Boquerón (4.5%), and Montanazo (7.25%). Not oerated by Cepsa.
ALGERIA Rhourde el Krouf (RKF) oilfield. Located in Berkine ba-
sin. 100% Cepsa, operated and in production. Onshore.
Ourhoud oilfield. Located in Berkine basin. Cepsa (39.7%), operated and in production. Onshore.
BMS oilfield. Located in Berkine basin. Cepsa (45%), operated and in production. Onshore.
Rhourde er Rouni II. Located in Berkine basin. Exploration license 100% Cepsa. Onshore.
Timimoun gas field. Located in Timimoun basin. Cepsa (11.25%), operated and waiting for start-up. Onshore.
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Three offshore production wells (Uhm Al Anbar, Neewat Al Galan, Mubarraz), and one field in deve- lopment (Hail). Located off coast of Abu Dhabi. Cepsa (12.8%), not operated.
Exploration and production
PERU Block 131: Located in the Ucayali basin (70%),
operated by Cepsa, with both exploration and production activities. Onshore.
Block 130: Located in the Marañón basin. Exploration field, 100% operated by Cepsa. Onshore.
BRAZIL Offshore exploration blocks 717 and 665 located in the Ceará basin. Not operated by Cepsa (50%).
SURINAME Offshore exploration block 53. Located in the Guyana-Suriname basin. Cepsa (25%), not operated.
KENYA Onshore exploration Block 11A. Located in Turkana region. Cepsa (55%), operated.